Please review the following questions and answers regarding Karate BC’s AGM process and format:
1. | QUESTION: | Will someone be able to nominate an eligible Karate BC member to a vacant Board position at the AGM this year? |
ANSWER: | No. There will be no nominations for voting at the actual AGM starting this year. All nominations must be submitted during the nomination period, and all votes must be received online during the voting period. | |
2. | QUESTION: | When do I have to nominate someone for a vacant Board position? |
ANSWER: | The nomination period runs from 60 days prior to 30 days prior to the AGM. | |
3. | QUESTION: | I would like to run for a position on the Karate BC Board. How do I do this? |
ANSWER: | Great! You will just need to ask any other eligible voting member of Karate BC to nominate you to whichever vacant Board position you would like to run for. | |
4. | QUESTION: | Does the membership vote for the Board nominees at the AGM? |
ANSWER: | No, all voting occurs during the voting period PRIOR to the AGM itself. | |
5. | QUESTION: | How will I be able to vote online? |
ANSWER: | Prior to the beginning of the voting period, you will be sent a link via email that will allow you to access the online voting system so that you can vote. | |
6. | QUESTION: | Am I just voting on Board positions when I take part in the online voting? |
ANSWER: | NO! Every voting member will have the opportunity to vote on any voting issues presented to the membership by the Board. This includes any Special Resolution items, if applicable. Please see the full AGM agenda (when posted) on our AGM website page (under "ABOUT" menu item) | |
7. | QUESTION: | When is the voting period? |
ANSWER: | The voting period runs from 21 days prior to 3 days prior to the AGM. | |
8. | QUESTION: | Do I need to register to vote? |
ANSWER: | Prior to the launch of the voting period we will be sending out links to our eligible voting members of Karate BC so they can register to vote. If you don’t receive your link to vote, please contact to have yours sent again. | |
9. | QUESTION: | Is someone able to submit my vote on my behalf (e.g., via proxy). |
ANSWER: | No. As per our Bylaw changes approved by the membership at the 2018 AGM, each voting member of Karate BC will have exactly one vote and that vote must be used by themselves. | |
10. | QUESTION: | If there is no voting happening at the AGM, what will happen there? |
ANSWER: | In addition to announcing the results of the voting at the actual AGM, the Board will present the reports, including financials, to the membership for the previous year and work through any other items within the AGM Agenda. This is YOUR opportunity to hear from the Board directly about what is going on in your organization, and to ask any questions of the Board that you may have. | |
11. | QUESTION: | Do I have to attend the AGM in order to participate? |
ANSWER: | No. This year the AGM will be completely online via webinar so that everyone in the membership regardless of where they live in BC will be able to take part. You will be able to see and hear the Karate BC Board present the AGM, and you will be able to interact with the Board throughout. | |
12. | QUESTION: | If I am participating in the AGM online (“virtually”), what do I need? |
ANSWER: | You may participate in the Karate BC AGM online via the browser on any computer, laptop, or tablet, or via the video conferencing application (Zoom) on any Smart device (e.g., phone). Given this is an online access, you will also require a working internet source (Wifi, Lan, Cellular network, etc.). If you wish to verbally ask a question, you will need a device that has a microphone. However, you do NOT need a device with a camera as webinar participants will not be visible. |