This month, Karate BC would like to profile CASK (Canadian Associated Schools of Karate). Thank you for being a member of Karate BC!

Club Name: CASK Karate
1St Chief Sensei: Greg Reid
Current Chief Sensei: Gerry Woloshyn
Year Club was founded: 1982
Year joined Karate BC: late 1990s
Number of Members: Approximately 30
Style Association: Wado Karate Association of Canada
CASK (Canadian Associated Schools of Karate) was founded in Victoria by Sensei Greg Reid at the James Bay Community Centre 1982. After several moves in the downtown Victoria area, they returned to the James Bay Community Centre about 10 years ago.

CASK practice Wado karate as transmitted to the late Master Masaru Shintani, 9th dan, from Wado founder Hironori Otsuka. The philosophy of the club is that we are all family in karate-do and work to harmoniously promote the principles and teachings of karate and work towards the advancement of karate together with other karate groups throughout the world. CASK members range in age but the majority are youngsters aged six to 12.

Every summer, the club looks forward to its annual beach training, a great way to combine training with the beautiful outdoors. This year’s training will take place on July 4, 2015.
“We teach karate, we do not sell it”
Contact the Club:
Main Contact Person: Erich Eichhorn
Phone Number: 250-886-4958
Facebook: C.A.S.K Karate Victoria
Twitter: @CASKKarate